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Donald Tsang visits HK's exhibition at Expo

2010-04-28 09:43:55 Source: Weather China

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang visits the Hong Kong Pavilion and Hong Kong's Urban Best Practices Area exhibition yesterday.
Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang visits the Hong Kong Pavilion and Hong Kong's Urban Best Practices Area exhibition on 26th,April .

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang visits the Hong Kong Pavilion and Hong Kong's Urban Best Practices Area exhibition yesterday.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang visits the Hong Kong Pavilion and Hong Kong's Urban Best Practices Area exhibition on 26th,April .


Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang yesterday visited the Hong Kong Pavilion and Hong Kong's Urban Best Practices Area exhibition yesterday.

He was briefed on the design and content of the exhibitions at the HK Pavilion and tried interactive displays and games.

At HK's UBPA pavilion, he was shown the stunning visual effects of the 360-degree circular screen and large, vertical LED screens.

He was delighted that Hong Kong did well in the test runs of the Expo, and was ready to welcome visitors around the world after the Shanghai Expo's grand opening on May 1.

"Hong Kong's participation in the Shanghai Expo is one of the prime areas of work of the HKSAR Government this year. We will take this great chance of participation to showcase to the world Hong Kong's development potential for the future, enhance our international profile and create business opportunities."

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